iOS 8.4 Expected to Launch by June 30 with GPS Fixes

During Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) keynote yesterday, Apple announced several new services that will be included in iOS 8.4 and available by June 30th. This release is expected to fix the open iOS bugs affecting external GPS receiver accessories. Although we had hoped for a 8.3.1 update or 8.4 release to launch much sooner than this, at least we now have a firm date.
Look for another blog post soon announcing our Bad Elf: Cleared to Update program, along with a debrief of some lessons learned and upgrades we've made to our QA process to reduce the odds of running into similar issues in the future.
If you haven't already, please sign up for our mailing list to be notified ASAP when we've confirmed the public iOS 8.4 release resolves the GPS issue. The sign-up form is at the bottom of every page on our website.
The Bad Elf engineering team is attending WWDC this week, and we had the opportunity to meet Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, after the keynote.
Although we didn't talk to Tim specifically about the iOS 8.3 bug, we did discuss platform accessory support. He mentioned that Apple sees accessories as a vital part of the ecosystem and driver of innovation in niche markets such as aviation, marine, and survey. We're excited to be part of that!
Once again, we want to thank our amazing customers for their patience and support during the last 9 weeks since this issue appeared. As always, please contact us via and we'll do whatever we can to help.

@David, I certainly appreciate your comments. However, when we the lowly private pilots with one iPad, not 2700 hear it’s fixed from three vendors: Apple, Foreflight and Bad Elf we have 2 choices, 1.) trust them, 2.) wait and let others test for us.
Having seen the notices on 8.3 I held fast on the previous release (whew).
Seeing all the pronouncements that it was fixed in 8.4 I upgraded trusting these guys knew what they were doing and had thoroughly tested. Bad choice. While I don’t depend on the iPad as a VFR Private Pilot for anything more than a convenience, I was a bit bummed this morning when I went flying.
Message to Apple, Bad Elf and Foreflight ++ is pilots looking for reliability will turn to the hardened platforms e.g. Garmin 430xx or equivalent.
For the rest of us, we’ll dust off our Sectional Plotters and get some new batteries for the E6B.
8.4 Fixed it. It works now.
The GPS bug fix has NOT been done. My Bluetooth GPS Receiver still does not connect to my iPhone or iPad. I’m hoping the IOS 4.9 will fix this.
8.4 is out. Anyone think it’s a good idea to install 8.4 yet? Fool me once Apple. Seriously, can someone post a link for an aviation site that QC’s iOS?
To all of you aviators who are making the negative comments, here is my two cents worth. If you are going to use a device for electronic flight deck (EFD), you need to follow FAA policy, procedures, and Advisory Circulars ( which are really regulatory, not advisory.) As a professional pilot, regardless of your application, you must air on the side of safety each and every time you update an app, operating system, or hardware. When a new ios comes out, my company prohibits updates until the FAA and my company both thoroughly test the new ios with all of the software we use on our EFBs. In my case, they are ipads, 2700 of them. thats right, 2700 of us and NO updates till things are tested and approved. You guys should do the same thing for SAFETY. It is the prudent, responsible, professional way to operate aircraft. give up on Apple? What a joke. Ipads are in the hands of nearly every professional pilot in this country.