Adventures with the GPS Pro: Asia Pacific in 88 Days

One of our customers, Ryo Akasaka, just got home from an amazing 88 day trip thru Asia Pacific and posted all the details on his site. The photos (low res, high res) are simply amazing. And you can read more about Ryo's important research into Oreo cookies in each country along his route, including the wrappers, knock-offs, ingredients, and manufacturers. Somebody's got to do it!
Ryo used the GPS Pro to track the entire trip (over 30,000 miles!), and his site allows you to drill down into the various locations, time periods, and even methods of travel (Flight, Train, Boat) to see the raw GPS data he captured.
This is EXACTLY the type of trip that we had in mind when designing the data logging features of the GPS Pro. The long battery life (>32 hrs), huge memory capacity (>100hrs) and rugged enclosure mean it won't let you down during the trip. And once you return home, all the data can be exported easily for building maps, geo-tagging photos, etc.
We can't wait to see where Ryo goes next with his Bad Elf!

Can you let me know how I can attach a map that I have logged to a tweet. I can see in share that I can email, export to iTunes and two open options, but nothing to share with twitter. I will be setting of to do Alaska to Patagonia and logging the route and wish to share with everyone following me via twitter. Look forward to your advice. would like to know how ryo did this as I wish to send from iPad daily
Ryo’s site is how I first discovered Bad-Elf, when he originally posted on Reddit.. Unfortunately I’ve only been able to use mine in NYC so far.