User Story: iPad + Bad Elf GPS Comforting After Alternator Failure
Every day we get emails from our customers telling us how they're putting their Bad Elf GPS to good use. We love them - if you've got a story to tell, we'd love to hear it.
I'm a pilot myself, so this email from Tom Flock really hit home:
Coming back from Nassau, I noticed my alternator was only partially charging my electrical system. Luckily, I was using the Bad Elf with ForeFlight, because I had to dramatically reduce the electrical load. I didn't have to shut down my primary GPS navigation device, but it was certainly comforting to know that my "backup" was the Bad Elf GPS.
Tom also sent a screenshot of his route:
A few years ago, as a relatively new pilot, I experienced an electrical system failure while entering the LA Basin. Not fun! Even if it's not the primary source of navigation, GPS is a powerful tool, especially when over water or for navigating complex airspace.
If you haven't seen it already, a few months ago posted a presentation and video that demonstrates an emergency approach using only the iPad, Bad Elf GPS, and a hand-held radio. Definitely worth a look!
Just purchased the Bad Elf GPS Pro to drive ForeFlight on an iPad Mini. The first time I took it up in the airplane I had a complete electrical failure. The GPS Pro worked like a dream getting us back home! AND, the track feature is great. Thanks Bad Elf!
A sectional chart and good dead reckoning skills wouldn’t be bad, either, as this pilot has already seen that electronic gizmos can fail. Nothing against the Bad Elf, I love mine, but it still doesn’t replace the basics.