Bad Elf's Cleared to Update Program

At Bad Elf, our goal is to provide exceptional service to the pilots, boaters, GIS professionals, and adventurers who use our products. Today we're announcing our Cleared to Update program, which is designed to provide timely information to you regarding compatibility between Bad Elf's products, new iOS operating system releases from Apple, and major updates from our app partners.
One of the strengths of the app-based innovation on iOS is the speed at which updates are made to the hardware, operating system, and apps. These updates improve design, functionality, and security. However, the pace of updates adds some complexity and risk for customers using these solutions in mission-critical environments where downtime is not an option.
Our Pledge
We test Bad Elf accessories with all iOS releases available from Apple, including betas. We will notify our customers immediately if any critical compatibility issues are discovered, and we will work closely with Apple and our app partners to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Whenever a new iOS update is released to the public, we will perform another test pass within 48 hours and report the results via our website page and social media. In the event we find a critical issue, we'll immediately notify everyone via the Bad Elf mailing list as well.
Our Recommendation to You
If you rely on Apple iOS devices or Bad Elf products for mission-critical operations, we strongly recommend that you wait at least a week before installing any updates to iOS, apps, or firmware. This time period is usually adequate to identify any critical issues and gives vendors time to notify their customers.
Coming Soon: iOS 8.4.1 and iOS 9
Based on announcements from Apple, we will likely see several new iOS releases in the next 2 months. We're not aware of any issues based on our testing or customer reports, but please follow our recommendation: wait a week before doing any updates, watch for updates to our Cleared to Update page, and check with your app vendors to make sure everything is working well.
We're committed to ensuring you have the best experience possible with Bad Elf products in the air, on the water, and in the field. Together, we can minimize some of the risks for mission-critical users of the iPad and iPhone.

IOS 8.4.1 has been released. Does it work with Bad Elf GPS?