Cleared to Upgrade: iOS 8.4 Fixes GPS Issues

"Apple has released iOS 8.4 with Apple Music, Beats 1, and an all-new Music app."
Trust us, we're excited for that headline, but we're just a little more excited (and relieved) to finally announce to our very loyal and patient customers that with the release of iOS 8.4, the bug that prevented most GPS accessories from providing location data has been fixed.
This morning we ran the public iOS 8.4 release thru our "quick QA test matrix" which covers 4 iOS device models (both cellular and Wi-Fi only), 7 GPS accessories, and 5 apps. That's 140 steps, and we're happy to report all passed.
We perform extensive testing with the beta iOS builds, so this is what we were expecting. However, there's no guarantee that the public releases will match the beta releases exactly. Also, beta builds are considered confidential under the Apple Developer Program, which limits how much we can discuss publicly -- but they give us a chance to work through any issues via direct communication channels with Apple and our app partners.
We'll be posting some more details soon regarding our revamped QA process, called Cleared to Upgrade, which will improve our communications to you regarding iOS and firmware updates, app compatibility, and any known issues.
And for folks who may have older GPS devices from Dual or Garmin, who may not have been getting many status updates: the iOS 8.4 update fixes these devices as well. But if you're ready to upgrade to a Bad Elf GPS accessory, we're happy to announce our Bad Elf Summer Trade-Up 2015 rebate program, which gives you up $100 cash back on the purchase of a new Bad Elf Bluetooth GPS receiver.
Finally, we want to say thank you to our loyal customers for your patience over the last 12 weeks. This has been an extremely frustrating experience for everyone, and we'll do our best to work closely with our industry partners to ensure this does not happen again.
As always, we're standing by at to answer any questions!

A frustrating period of time is been over. IOS 8.4 is been working together with my Bad Elf again. Sailing in the swedish archipelago without knowing where exactly you are, is not what the time is given in 2015. Spending a lot of money for not working Equipment is not satisfying. And by the end, nobody is taken over real responsibility…Grrrr! Bad thanks for posting and keeping us on the track..
Yep. iOS 8.4 does the trick for my wi-fi Mini 3 with a Bad Elf Pro.
I downloaded the new operating system, fired up my garmin glo and connected.
Nope. Darn! Compass is frozen pointing west.
OK Great!!! I finally got my GPS back and I can now navigate while out in the Gulf again. Thank you for keeping us posted! However, I must ask why this happened. Did you guys not test the IOS 8.3 or did it just slip through the cracks. As dependent as I am on your device I would only hope that this will not happen again. Fortunately the last time it did I was on my way back in.
Thanks for keeping us posted though!