Status of iOS 8.3 and External GPS Receivers

Greetings from the warm and muggy Sun 'n Fun air show in Lakeland, FL! We've enjoyed catching up with new and existing Bad Elf customers over the last 4 days. The first air show of the year is always special and motivates us going into the busy spring and summer flying seasons.
As of this morning, we still don't have any official updates re: the iOS 8.3 issue with external GPS receivers. As we've said before: please do not upgrade to iOS 8.3 if possible! We have heard rumors the issue has been fixed internally by Apple, but don't know when this fix will be released to the public. We're hoping for a 8.3.1 release, although it could also be released as part of the iOS 8.4 beta program.
As soon as we have any significant updates, we will quickly notify everyone via email, blog, Twitter, and Facebook. We are standing by to quickly test any iOS updates as soon as they are available.
If this issue is negatively impacting you, please contact us via email to and we’ll see what we can do to help.
Update (28-April): Apple released an iOS 8.4 beta 2 update to developers and beta testers yesterday. Unfortunately, due to the confidentiality requirements of these programs, we’re not allowed to disclose any non-public information about this beta software — including how it affects the iOS 8.3 bug affecting external GPS receivers like ours.
Several sources including iLounge and MacRumors have posted articles about this release.
If you’d like to join Apple’s Beta Software Program, you can learn more and sign up on Apple’s site. Please make sure that you fully understand the risks associated with beta software before taking this path.
We still have our fingers crossed that this GPS issue will be fixed ASAP in a public (non-beta) iOS 8.3.1 update. We are also exploring multiple workaround options until this is resolved one way or another.

this isn’t totally unexpected, the iPad isn’t purpose built for external gps marine or aviation and should never be a primary device for navigation. It’s great when it works though.
This could be a life threatening glitch. I sail offshore, latest trip was 400 miles from Tortola to St Lucia. I did rely in the past on iNavx paired with a Dual XGPS150A. Out of wifi reception gps location ceased. We have paper charts, handheld units, so no issue. BUT it could have been otherwise. Question: why wasn’t there any notification from external gps providers concerning this 8.3 update issue???
Really disappointed about this, I have spent hundreds on this system to use once a year for a big fishing trip coming up this weekend. Very irritated with apple and bad elf, this is completely unacceptable that no fix has been available for months. Will stop recommending these systems to everyone from now on.
Just found this link an information after trying to use our bad elf with the Navionics app. Worked perfectly last year. Should have gone for the Garmin Chartplotter originally. At least that doesn’t stop working after updates. This is a ridiculous length of time to still not have a fix.
I can’t believe Apple would not do some thing fast as thier reputation is hurting