External GPS

Global Mapper Mobile is a powerful iOS and Android application for viewing and collecting GIS data. It utilizes the GPS capabilities of mobile devices to provide situational awareness and locational intelligence for remote mapping projects. A perfect complement to the desktop version of Global Mapper, the mobile edition provides maps-in-hand functionality for engineers, surveyors, wildlife managers, foresters, and anyone whose job requires access to spatial data in remote locations.
Global Mapper Mobile can display vector, raster, and elevation data layers that have been transferred from the desktop version of the software. It also provides tools for drawing, tracking, and form-based data collection using pre-configured attributes and picklists.
Global Mapper Mobile Pro
Developed with today’s mapping professionals in mind, the Pro version of Global Mapper
Mobile supplements the functionality of the base version with an array of professional-grade
tools including:
Advanced GPS support to connect to external high accuracy Bluetooth GPS devices. Connect your Bad Elf device directly to Global Mapper Mobile Pro. View and record the NMEA stream, access detailed location information, and track the connected satellite constellations from your Bad Elf device, directly in the app.
Global Mapper Mobile Pro is required for use with an external GPS system.
Record features in the field based on the location information from your Bad Elf Device. Direct RTK support now available in-app on iOS and Android.