HERE, HERE - Safety

Words: 278 | Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Workplace safety is critical for ALL ELVES
For workers, it's about staying alive and healthy. Field workers, land surveyors, and construction professionals face many hazards, including:- Extreme weather conditions
- Uneven terrain
- Heavy machinery
- Electrical hazards
- Dangerous animals
Workplace safety helps to protect workers from these hazards and prevent injuries and fatalities. Which is obviously a good thing! For employers, it's about reducing costs and protecting their businesses. Workplace injuries and fatalities can lead to significant costs for employers, including:
- Medical expenses
- Lost productivity
- Workers' compensation claims
- Fines and penalties
Workplace safety helps employers to reduce these costs and protect their businesses. Which leaves more money on the table to train employees, while implementing cutting edge technology to help with the work. For all other stakeholders, it's about creating a positive and productive work environment. When workers feel safe and supported, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. This can lead to improved productivity, quality, and customer service.
One last thing before you close the page! Here are 5 important things to do before starting any GPS field data collection:
- Plan your route. Identify any potential hazards, such as busy roads, steep slopes, or hazardous materials.
- Inform others of your plans. Let someone know where you are going, when you expect to be back, and what to do if they don't hear from you.
- Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). This may include a hard hat, safety glasses, gloves, and sturdy footwear.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to where you are walking and what is happening around you.
- Take breaks. Don't work for long periods of time without taking a break to rest and hydrate.

Dr. Smilovsky is the Geospatial Solutions Director for Bad Elf, a GNSS technologies company. Dr S is a faculty member at Arizona State University teaching various GIS and design classes. He is a certified Geographic Information Systems Professional, a certified Arborist, and a Part 107 certified UAV pilot. As a geospatial evangelist, custom geospatial solutions provider, and geographic researcher Dr. S is widely versed in all things geodetic. He is a proud Geoholic!