App Spotlight: FlyQ by Seattle Avionics

FlyQ to Fully Support the Bad Elf ADS-B Receiver

One of the first app vendors to enthusiastically support our ADS-B receiver is Seattle Avionics, the developer of the popular FlyQ app. They have been building flight planning and navigation tools since 2002. They also provide the navigation data that powers more than 20 other app vendors and avionics companies including Aspen, Bendix-King, and Dynon.
We asked Keith Russo, Vice President of Seattle Avionics, a couple of questions about FlyQ:
Bad Elf: Hi Keith! Please tell us about FlyQ, and what design philosophies and features set it apart from other aviation apps.
Keith: FlyQ EFB is Seattle Avionics premiere application for the Apple iPad. It is the highest rated aviation app in the Apple App Store. We believe competition contributes to innovation. For example, our ‘2-tap’ design philosophy reduces workload by eliminating the ‘hunt and peck’ typical in today's apps. The cockpit is a complex environment and the pilot shouldn’t have to endlessly tap on the iPad trying to find information or remember how to use the app. Information should be easily accessible within two taps.

FlyQ EFB is hardware agnostic, a philosophy shared with Bad Elf. We believe your choice of aviation app shouldn’t eliminate your choice of hardware. FlyQ EFB supports devices like GPS, ADS-B, and AHRS whether portable or installed avionics from virtually every manufacturer.
Bad Elf: What’s been your experience flying with ADS-B weather and traffic in the cockpit?
Keith: As an instructor pilot for over 30 years, it has been interesting to witness the evolution of weather dissemination technology. For me it began with calling FSS on the phone, walking into the local FSS office, or calling Flight Watch on the radio. With today's technology such as the internet and ADS-B portable receivers, pilots are empowered by the wealth and quality of information available in near real time.
The ability to see nearby aircraft sharing your airspace or to access the latest meteorological reports and images enhances safety like never before in the history of aviation. ADS-B is the ‘must have’ gadget and belongs in every pilot’s flight bag.

Personally, there are two features that I love in FlyQ. The first is the ability to configure the various tab bars, controls, and menus to auto-hide after 2 or 6 seconds of inactivity. Decluttering the screen gives you unrestricted views of sectionals, approach plates, and taxi diagrams. FlyQ is designed to give you the information you need quickly, and get out of the way.
The second feature I love is the accessory status bar in the upper right corner of the screen. I’m probably slightly biased as an accessory vendor! At a glance these icons shows the connectivity, battery charge, and status of connected accessories including GPS, ADS-B, and AHRS. No guessing or digging thru menus to know FlyQ and your accessories are fully operational.
Here are some screenshots of FlyQ in action:

We demonstrated FlyQ working with our prototype hardware in our first in-flight demo video, in case you missed it:

You can download FlyQ from the Apple App Store, or visit the Seattle Avionics website for more information.
If you haven’t already, please visit our Kickstarter page and reserve your Bad Elf ADS-B receiver today. We need your help to bring this affordable receiver to market.